Our services

Dela AB offers comprehensive services, including project management, planning and design, ducting and cable installation, thorough documentation, and detailed project analyses.

Three steps process

Booked-in planning is done by a technician through a site visit to the customer, where together with the customer he goes through the installation and establishes an agreement on how the fiber routing should take place and where the MC (Media Converter) should be located.

Air extraction/excavation is carried out days or weeks before the actual installation.

Customer service calls and makes an appointment with the customer for installation.

The customer or the person concerned must be present during the entire installation, this is to ensure that the customer is completely satisfied.

The line is drawn into the property, fiber is blown in and welded in fos and MC.

Final documentation – After the work has been carried out, planning documents, self-checks and mains values ​​are compiled, i.e. documents needed for final inspection.


Project management

Our company’s project management focuses on the goal of providing an excellent service that enables high-quality and timely deployment of fiber optic networks. That is why we follow the guidelines of four phases in the installation of fiber optic networks:

  1. Initiation
  2. Planning
  3. Execution
  4. Completion

In order to complete the projects on time, it is essential to work with excellent time management, make extensive preparations and maintain continuous coordination. Before starting, it is very important to identify and eliminate the potential hazards and opportunities to ensure a smooth process. Our experience shows that potential problems can be of a technical nature, such as signal loss, outages, interference or other risks related to the budget, schedule and expectations of those involved.

By analyzing the challenges and problems before commissioning, we clarify what actions need to be taken to solve them. This enables us to work efficiently and effectively, resulting in a better quality installation.

Planning and Design


Careful planning in the preparatory phase is the basis for the upcoming installation work. The planners at Dela Network GmbH have extensive experience and work purposefully on the optimal solution for the customer. We support our customers with fiber optic installation, blowing in cables and documenting work on shafts.


We support you in calculating the costs for your expansion areas by using market-leading project and calculation tools.


Ducting and installation of cables

Our installation service includes the installation of all types of fiber optic networks. We have extensive experience with fiber optic work in both the real estate and infrastructure sectors.

Our services include:

  • Small orders and large projects
  • Excavation work
  • Laying speednet pipes
  • Blowing in fiber optics
  • Splicing
  • Measurements
  • Telecommunications solutions

We also supply telecommunications equipment from leading manufacturers to meet the needs, conditions and requirements of our customers.
We are very committed to developing customer-specific solutions at competitive prices and place great value on working closely with our customers.


Our detailed documentation includes:

Photo documentation with GPS apps

  1. Construction diary
  2. Construction progress
  3. Saving and storing all documents for:
    optimal repair work in the event of any changes or failures
    transfer of reliable data on the new cable infrastructure to higher-level institutions